Triad Festival Singers

a Youngish Choral Group with an Oldish Soul

Triad Festival Singers formed in 2023 and strives to deliver engaging choral singing for triad audiences and an enjoyable, stress-free experience for the singers. Modeling a choral festival format, TFS meets for two concert sessions each season, one in the fall and one in the winter.

Our first season was a ton of fun and produced two well-received concerts. We are on track for an equally ambitious and energizing season starting with our fall concert, “Love’s Pure Light” on December 6, 2024. We hope to see you there!

The Choir

We are a flexibly voiced ensemble performing moderate/advanced choral repertoire.

Recognizing how we live in a busy and fast-paced society, our ensemble will meet for two sessions of 6–7 rehearsals culminating in a public concert – no tickets required!

We strive to offer excellent (and fun!) musical experiences with a reduced time-commitment compared to the typical choral ensemble model. We do require an audition to participate.

We will perform music of varying styles and genres, from classical and contemporary masterworks to individual accompanied and a capella choral works. 

The Music

The Audition

Interested singers should review the details about singing with the group and complete the interest form. Interested singers should review the details about singing with the group by following this link.

Triad Festival Singers will be led by principal conductor and artistic director, Heather Schenck.

Heather currently directs the Maple Springs UMC Chancel Choir and is the Director of Traditional Music.  She has directed school, church and community choirs and started the NPO Young Artists Alliance.  Locally she accompanies for several schools, directs children’s theatre, and sang with the Piedmont Chamber Singers.


The Leadership

Your Support

Triad Festival Singers operates on the generosity of our patrons and supporters, and your support as we embark on our inaugural season is most appreciated!

Donations of any amount, no matter the size, will go a long way to bring the best of choral experiences to Winston-Salem!

We now offer opportunities for patrons to sponsor local instrumentalists so that we can continue to include rich varieties of sound with our choir.